Belize Dollar - BZD


The Belize Dollar is the official currency of Belize. The symbol used for the Dollar is $. To distinguish it from other Dollar currencies, the Belize Dollar symbol is BZ$. It is divided into smaller denominations; 1 BZ$ = 100 cents. Since 1978, the Belize Dollar has been pegged to the US Dollar at 1 USD = 2 BZ$.


  • Logging plays an important part in the Belize economy - timber is the main export product.
  • Top industries for Belize are tourism, garment production, construction, and food processing. Belize also allows offshore investments.
  • The unemployment rate is estimated at 9.4%.
  • Agriculture accounts for 21% of the total GDP.
  • Export products are wood, molasses, citrus, clothing, bananas, sugar, and crude oil.
  • Import products are food, tobacco, chemicals, fuels, and manufactured goods.
  • Tourism in Belize amounts to 251, 655 people.
  • Belize is working towards an economic plan and the country’s focus is tourism and agriculture.
  • An estimated growth of 4% was indicated in the year 1999.


  • Belize was originally part of British Honduras and the Spanish Dollar was in circulation.
  • In 1894, the government issued banknotes in denominations of 100, 50, 10, 5, 2 and 1 Dollar.
  • After 1928, no more 50 and 100 Dollar banknotes were produced.
  • In 1973, British Honduras was renamed Belize.
  • The first 100 Dollar banknote was introduced in 1974.
  • In 1976, the printing of banknotes were taken over by the Monetary Authority of Belize.
  • The Central Bank of Belize was established in 1982. It produced banknotes in 1983.

General Information

Symbols and Names

  • Symbols: BZ$
  • Nicknames: none

ISO 4217 Code


Central Bank

Central Bank of Belize

Currency Subunits

  • Cent = 1/100 of a Dollar


  • Bills: $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100
  • Coins: 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 cents. $1

Countries Using This Currency

  • Belize

Currencies Pegged To BZD :


BZD Is Pegged To:

Belize Dollar - BZD Currency details, information data and facts